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Energy Management System (ISO 50001:2018)

ISO 50001:2018, Energy management system's Requirements with guidance for use, is a voluntary International Standard developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 50001 gives organizations the requirements for energy management systems (EnMS). ISO 50001 provides benefits for organizations large and small, in both public and private sectors, in manufacturing and services, in all regions of the world. ISO 50001 will establish a framework for industrial plants ; commercial, institutional, and governmental facilities ; and entire organizations to manage energy. Targeting broad applicability across national economic sectors, it is estimated that the standard could influence up to 60% of the world's energy use.

Why an Energy Management Standard?

Most energy efficiency is achieved through changes in how energy is managed in an industrial facility, a LEED certified Green Building or manufacturing process, rather than through installation of new technologies. An energy management standard, such as ISO 50001, provides a tool for integrating energy efficiency into existing organizational management systems for continuous improvement. Companies who have voluntarily adopted an energy management plan (a central feature of an EnMS) have achieved major energy intensity and use improvements. It is also applicable to commercial, institutional, and transportation sectors. There are many benefits to an organization for implementing an EnMS:

  • Broad applicability
  • Applies to all sectors of business
  • Applies to all sizes of organizations
  • Leverages existing management systems
  • Leverages existing continual improvement processes
  • Develops a baseline of energy use
  • Actively manages energy use and costs
  • Reduce emissions without a negative impact on operations
  • Continual improvement of energy use versus product output over time
  • Potential for savings to be used for emission credits